martes, 4 de abril de 2017


This is our last game related to the animals! I hope you enjoy the activity as much as I do!

I hope you learned everything you wanted to know about the aninmals. Next week we start with... FAMILY MEMBERS!

See you soon!

Animal Riddles

Animal Riddles

Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!
Can you find out what i am?


I have four legs
I live in Africa
I am big and grey
I live in the river
I am an

I am small,
I can be scary
I have eight legs
I spin a web
I am a

I have four legs
I am a pet
I hate cats
I bark
I am a

I eat vegetables
I can run fast
I can be a pet
I have long hears
I am a

I eat other animals
I have a big mouth
I am green
I live in the water
I am a

I live on the farm
I have horns
I moo
I give milk
I am a

I am a pet
I like mice
I have seven lives
I purr and meow
I am a

I eat insects
I live in the pond
I hop
I am green
I am

I hiss
I can be poisonous
I am long
I have a forked tongue
I am a

I can swim and dive
I have two legs
I have wings
I quack
I am a

7 comentarios:

  1. Hello Neus,

    The appearance, colors and visual structure of the blog is quite good for 1st class. Well done!

    In addition, the site works well; it is interesting, attractive and easy to navigate. The blog introduction helps us to understand the aim of the blog.

    You include fun exercises as videos, songs, domino, word puzzle, and lots of images for kids, and a lovely animal museum in the classroom with their drawings.

    I really like the activity in the post “Pets”, the video and the activity in which they have to ask their classmates information about their pets. It is a good option to interact between them, get to know each other, practice speaking and writing.

    I can see that you always ask for the opinion of your students. You ask them in the post if they liked the activities. That is fantastic! We should always bear in mind the opinion of our pupils and their interest.



    Cristina Gil

  2. Neus,
    Your exercise is very imaginative and clear. The page is very suitable for the age for which it was designed. I'm scared the pages of Vanessa, Ana Victoria and yours are really good. Congratulations.

  3. Hi Neus,

    I really like the idea of this activity! I think kids love riddles and they can enjoy doing it. I was doing it and find it difficult when I had to write crocodile because there could be other animals that suited the description. All in all, I really liked it though!
    The appearance of the blog is really attractive and motivating for kids too.

    Well done,


  4. Hello there,

    I think your blog is fun and easy to use. I think the speaking activity is good and if the children work in pairs or small groups then the whole blog is great to get them motivated and speaking. There are lots of questions which makes it interactive. This particular activity strikes me as the most enjoyable from the blog. It gets them practising reading and writing and using the vocabulary. Well done.

    Kind regards,


  5. Very good exercise! Congratulations! Very nice to learn animal vocabulary for all ages of Primary. Maybe for youngers would have to appear in each gap all the options to click in, without writing...
    Nice blog, funny and easy to use.

  6. A very attractive blog with diverse activities. I like the way you have related the topics to those you are covering in class at that particular stage. A few grammatical errors but all in all you have done a good job. Well done!!

  7. Hi Neus!
    Your activities are very interesting and fun. I like that all the subjects are about animals (your students are going to learn a lot about the topic!). The colors and appearance of the blog are visually attractive. The presentation in powerpoint is perfect for young students (easy instructions, clear design, etc.).
    Well done!



This is our last game related to the animals! I hope you enjoy the activity as much as I do! I hope you learned everything you wanted to ...